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May 03, 2005

Citrix and Linux Together

(PRWEB) May 3, 2005 -- While primarily focused on providing end-to-end Linux thin-client solutions, SafeDesk has integrated Citrix connectivity in an effort to further bridge the gap between an organization's existing infrastructure and Linux. This bridge is becoming increasingly important for larger technology deployments within the federal government, insurance, and financial services industries.

While thin-client solutions based upon the Linux Terminal Services Project (LTSP) have historically been seen as competitive to Citrix, SafeDesk is now providing a complementary product that enables customers to leverage their Citrix assets in new and unique ways while also benefitting from the integration of Linux.

The latest version of SafeDesk Enterprise with Citrix ICA access allows organizations to:

- Seamlessly deploy Linux thin-clients in existing Citrix environments
- Securely integrate the majority of legacy DOS and Unix-based terminal applications
- Successfully scale a mixed environment of Linux and Microsoft-based applications
- Reduce management of individual destop PC's
- Increase functionality to traditional terminals.


Posted by editor at May 3, 2005 05:15 PM