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July 16, 2009

Case Study PR: Symbio Technologies Helps Save Technology in Bankrupt California Schools

NEW ROCHELLE, NY, July 16, 2009--Symbio Technologies (www.symbio-technologies.com), the leader in stateless thin client computing, has put its skills to work to help bankrupt schools in California bring new life to old computers. Using its expertise in LTSP (Linux Terminal Server Project), Symbio has helped schools re-use their existing workstations and finally find a use for the many outdated machines they receive as donations. The Linux Terminal Server Project is a free, open source add-on to Linux that allows people to access applications and data on a central server. Members of Symbio's team have been core developers of LTSP.

The situation in California has reached dire proportions. As the Contra Costa Times reported, the state's school chief Jack O'Connell declared recently that "unless drastic budget cuts come at the local level, many California school districts may be unable to pay the bills in the next two years."

"While drastic cuts to public education may be necessary," noted Symbio's CTO, Gideon Romm, "cutting out technology in schools in the twenty-first century is like depriving students of pencils and paper."

Pained by California's plight, Symbio offered its expertise in LTSP as a solution to the school districts' problems.

Over the course of one week, Symbio was able to set up an environment that would convert hundreds of old computers into fully functional, high speed desktops with access to all of the Microsoft applications the school needed, as well as a host of free Linux offerings that provide teachers with additional instructional tools.

"We are gratified to be able to play a role in helping the school children of California," said Romm. "Using LTSP here is an example of open source technology at its finest."

About Symbio Technologies

Symbio Technologies reduces the cloud computing revolution to a plug-and-play, appliance-based solution. Certified and accredited by the US Department of Energy, the security-hardened Symbiont Boot Appliance makes network deployments simple, consistent, reliable, and secure. With this technology, organizations can reuse existing equipment, connect to the cloud through numerous protocols, and meet their security objectives. Symbio's products are available worldwide through a network of distributors, value-added resellers and integrators in Australia, Canada, Chile, Egypt, Mexico, Pakistan, South Africa, and the U.K., as well as throughout the U.S.


Posted by Staff at July 16, 2009 06:39 PM
