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February 13, 2010

iPad Mania -- How iPad Potentially Drives Employee PC Ownership Trend

Ok -- today we created new category for iPad in deference to manic reaction out there. Nice article from writer Rob Enderle that we have always enjoyed over the years talks about how iPad effect on business culture. Not unlike the impact of the iPhone (which we now support along with Blackberries & lately Androids). Consumers beginning to drive Business unlike the old paradigm.

The iPad, as with all Apple products, isn’t really focused on business use yet. Much like the iPhone, it will find its way into corporations through employees who buy them, though.

Over at our CTO Edge site, writer Wayne Rash thinks you should be ready for these things. Given that it will be better at rendering Web pages and forms than most any phone, including the iPhone, and that companies continue to shift corporate applications to the cloud, I wonder whether it eventually would start to make sense for many to use employee-purchased iPads, or similar devices, instead of laptops.

Employee Purchase Trend
In preparation for our Mid-Market CIO Forum in mid March, we asked 140 IT executives if they were actively considering employee purchase and 31 (or 22 percent) indicated they were. This is higher than I’ve seen in prior surveys, suggesting this trend may be increasing. The increasing needs to cut capital expenditures and to better contain support costs are driving this trend. The latter happens because the employee, upon purchasing the hardware, becomes directly responsible for the break/fix part of hardware support, potentially lowering the related corporate expense significantly.

read rest of article

Posted by staff at February 13, 2010 06:26 PM
