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November 14, 2010

So long thin client, hello 'cloud PC'

Can the term “cloud PC” go where the dreaded thin client couldn’t?

So long thin client, hello 'cloud PC' | ZDNet

Wyse on Tuesday unveiled a new family of cloud PCs, devices that are diskless, but allow you to get your Windows OS, applications and data from a private cloud. The devices are packaged with a Windows 7 license, Microsoft Software Assurance eligibility, installation, licensing and updates.

Gallery: First look at cloud PCs

Now IT departments just love these cloud PCs arrangements because things are centralized and support is easier. The problem is that workers aren’t too thrilled about them. These network-centric PCs were formerly known as thin clients, a term that makes most folks in the IT industry cringe.

The solution? Call the thin client a cloud PC. Voila! The stigma is gone. Wyse says a cloud PC uses cloud computing concepts to use server-based storage and can provide better returns than a thin client. I don’t quite get the difference. Wyse’s Web site wasn’t much help—thin computing and cloud PC are interchangeable.

Wyse’s new cloud PC models include the R00L and the R00LE. Power consumption is less than 15 watts and Wyse argues that its cloud PCs are ideal for virtualized environments.

The big question: Does the term cloud PC make you feel better about buying a thin client? And will your employees play along?

Posted by Staff at November 14, 2010 06:37 PM
