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December 11, 2010

New security software announced

MILWAUKEE, Dec. 7 (UPI) -- Binary Research International of Wisconsin has released software that helps organizations prevent the leaking of confidential information.

New security software announced - UPI.com

Called SoThin Thin Client, the product converts personal computers to intelligent thin clients for any network, allowing an organization to centrally manage and update workstations from a management console and to lock workstations so users may utilize only those connections, applications and local resources, specified by the administrator.

"Rather than panic, organizations should look for technology solutions that can prevent security breaches like those that occurred in the WikiLeaks case," said Binary Research Chief Executive Officer Annette Dow. "SoThin Thin Client allows government and corporate entities to secure and centrally manage thin client workstations, helping to avoid a catastrophic leak of information such as the State Department experienced."

Binary Research, which created the industry-leading cloning solution known as Symantec Ghost, said SoThin solutions -- including Thin Client -- have been developed to work with thin clients, virtual and cloud-based systems and standard thick networks.

"While many applications are designed to make the transition from the desktop to the server, a number of organizations still use older applications not supported on the server side," it said. "SoThin addresses this by allowing local applications to continue to be utilized in addition to the server. A centralized computing model is a more cost-effective and "greener" way to extend the useful life of an organization's XP infrastructure. "

New security software announced - UPI.com

Posted by Staff at December 11, 2010 08:11 PM
