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December 16, 2010

Why I’m Moving To The Cloud

Story by a small business owner (10 employees) on why he is now moving to the web.

Why I’m Moving To The Cloud - Quicker Better Tech - - Forbes

posted by GENE MARKS

Image by kevindooley via Flickr
I think it’s time for my company to go to the cloud. For years, I’ve been resisting it. I’ve always shrugged off the whole “cloud” thing as just another gimmick that technology people have come up with to create more work for themselves and charge their clients extra fees.

But it’s not. I’ve learned that the cloud is real. And it’s a real alternative for a small company like mine. Unfortunately, I learned this the hard way.

I have a staff of about ten people. We used to have an office in Philadelphia but shut it down over five years ago. Now I have two servers in my house and everyone who needs to connects through our Virtual Private Network. We use Windows Terminal Server as a thin client to operate our three main software applications: Microsoft Office, QuickBooks and GoldMine, a customer relationship management program.

It all worked pretty well…until it failed.

That was over Thanksgiving weekend. I was travelling with my family and, when attempting to connect in on a Wednesday night found the server to be “offline”. Everyone else was having the same problem. We’re a small company remember. We have no IT staff. So I asked my bookkeeper Susan, who lives near my house, to go and check on the server and to call me when she was there.

Susan tried to restart the server. It would start, click, and then turn off. She did this many times. Clearly, this was not some little problem caused by a Microsoft update. We’ve been there before. No, this was a hardware issue. And I was away.

So I did no work that weekend. A bigger problem was that no one in my company could work either. Most of the people who work for me have flexible hours – it’s very common to do stuff at night or over the holidays. They were shut down too.

When I returned on Sunday I ran straight to the server and tried to revive it. No luck. On Monday I unplugged it and ran it over to my local computer shop. And what was the problem? A little clasp that held my processor to the motherboard broke off. The processor then hung too close to the fan, its heat causing a sensor to go off which automatically shut down the server. We needed a new clasp. Except the guys at Dell, helpful as they tried to be, didn’t sell this $0.99 item. We needed to order a whole new motherboard, if only for the clasp attached to it.

And my computer guys couldn’t do the work either. They weren’t Dell certified. So we ordered the motherboard. And waited. And then a Dell certified guy took care of the problem in about ten minutes….the following Friday. Happily, the whole thing was under warranty so my only cost was to my computer guy – $95 for the hour he spent.

But this is not a happy story. My cost was much, much more. My entire company was without a server for an entire week! No billings. No checks. No collections. No calendars. No email history. No customer database. We made do…but we were really hobbled until the server was back up and running.

Did I have a backup? Of course. All of my databases were backed up not only by an online service but to a local external hard drive. So I wasn’t worried about restoring my data. The problem was that I had nothing to restore it to! Remember…my server was dead. My other server didn’t have enough resources to handle these programs. So my backups were of little use.

This is ridiculous. It’s time for me to go to the cloud.

If I had my QuickBooks, GoldMine and Microsoft Office databases hosted with the right company then I wouldn’t have had these problems. Why?

For starters, my applications would be on their servers. If there were any server related issues they would deal with them as part of our service level agreement. And they would do this on Thanksgiving or Arbor Day. They would have built in redundancies, so if a clasp broke on a motherboard and a sensor kept shutting down the server, my systems would be switched over to another server and I wouldn’t know the difference. The servers would be maintained 24/7 by propeller heads who know what they’re doing because they do it for a living and have no other life. They would make sure that the servers are running the most current versions of Microsoft Windows, or Linux, or whatever I need to make my applications run. They would make sure my databases are backed up to other media or delivered to me when requested.

I would be able to connect to my servers from anywhere. And so would my staff. Sometimes the internet connection to my home in the evenings slow down as dads surf those places that dads sometimes surf in the evening while their children watch YouTube videos and chat on Facebook. This performance has affected my people when connecting to my servers. That problem would go away if I had my systems hosted with someone else. A company that hosted my systems would have much greater capacity and superior management of bandwith. Better performance would mean more productivity.

And speaking of productivity, the uptime would be significantly increased for my staff too. If there was a power outage or an internet problem at my house, which not infrequently happens due to storms, everyone is shut down, including me. That wouldn’t happen anymore. Not only would my people just continue to work off the hosted system, but I could find a Starbucks with power, get back online and get back to work too.

What’s stopping me from doing this? Like I said, I don’t like change. I’m the only one in my house who insists on watching A Charlie Brown Christmas this time of year.

I’m not even that worked up about the confidentiality of my data or security of my systems. If some adolescent in Malaysia wants to hack in to my system to find out how much money we spent on office supplies last year, more power to him. But the other thing that’s stopping me is probably the same thing that’s stopping every other cynical, untrusting, resistant-to-change business owner like me. It’s a whole new thing. And it’s going to be a headache to change over.

But this last experience has pushed me over the line. I’m on the verge of moving my company to a cloud based system. And I think I found the right system to move to too. The company is super-well-known and the price seems right. Who am I considering? What will it cost? How will I do this? Am I sure this is the right thing? I’m going to need to work out this decision in a little more detail. And that will be my next contribution.

Gene Marks is a small business owner, author and columnist. He can be reached at www.twitter.com/genemarks or at www.quickerbetterwiser.com.

Why I’m Moving To The Cloud - Quicker Better Tech - - Forbes

Posted by Staff at December 16, 2010 10:20 PM
