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July 28, 2011

Android Now Controls 39% Of The U.S. Smartphone Market

Android now owns 39% of the smartphone market in the U.S. up 3% from the previous period measured by Nielsen. Apple controls 28%, which is up 2%.

Android Now Controls 39% Of The U.S. Smartphone Market

Android now owns 39% of the smartphone market in the U.S. up 3% from the previous period measured by Nielsen. Apple controls 28%, which is up 2%.
For everyone else, it's nothing but bad news. RIM is at 20%, down by 3%. Microsoft's combined mobile OS share is at just 9%, which is down 7%.
Apple's growth is decent considering it was flat-lining for a while, but we thought Verizon would have had a bigger impact. Perhaps when the iPhone 5 launches we'll see a bigger dent in the market share war between the two OSes.
For now, Apple's second place status doesn't seem to matter. It's selling more smartphones in the U.S. than any other company and it's generating huge piles of cash quarter after quarter.
Here are the most recent stats:

Read more: here

Android Now Controls 39% Of The U.S. Smartphone Market

Posted by Staff at July 28, 2011 10:12 AM
