Concentra health care case study for thin client

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in Client Case Study: Concentra and Health Care -- thin clients are used in all of concentra's medical clinics and billing offices. the company has nearly 5,000 thin clients deployed. the most recent version is the hP t5740 thin client
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Concentra, a subsidiary of humana inc., is a national health care company with facilities in 40 states. it concluded several years ago that centralized, server-based applications would best serve its needs, and that the best way to provide access to those applications was through thin clients.

Nw it is standardizing on hP t5740 thin clients and hP 4320t mobile thin clients based on their value, reliability, and the minimal support they require.
"We periodically challenge all our old assumptions and re-evaluate the technology," says john deLorimier, chief marketing and sales officer for concentra. "We look at different vendors, their systems, and try to ensure we're on the best technology to meet our needs. When it comes to the technology we put into users' hands, that technology is HP.

Quote from deLorimier

"It takes an effort for some users to realize the possibilities of the thin client model, but it's worth the effort. We're re-inventing workflows to take advantage of the technology that matches our needs--HP Thin Clients."
--John deLorimier, chief marketing and sales officer, Concentra, Addison, TX

Why thinClients?
Among concentra's reasons for choosing thin clients:

Low hardware cost. 
deLorimier estimates concentra saves hundreds of dollars per device with thin clients. because they have no hard 
drive or moving parts, thin clients also typically last a long time.

Easy application management. 
concentra may update its applications twice a month. updating thousands of individual units was time-consuming while updates at the server are done easily and quickly with enhanced consistency. 

Support efficiency. 
by centrally managing applications, concentra reduces the ratio of it support staff to users. that makes the thin 
client solution highly scalable. concentra can add groups of new users--as it does when it acquires a smaller business--with minimal impact on support requirements.

Enhance productivity. 
With thin clients, hardware issues have a single, simple resolution: swapping a new unit for the old one. that's a big advantage from the previous threeday cycle to ship, fix, and return. "With a thin client, i can ship out a replacement immediately and the user will have it and be fully functioning the next day," nine says.

because data is all stored centrally in concentra's data center, the thin client solution also reduces lost productivity due to hardware problems. "We don't have to worry about hard drives or users not backing up their data," nine says. "it's an old story--the user has two years of data on a device, something happens and it's gone. they never backed it up, never put it on a network drive, and they're lost without it."

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This page contains a single entry by Staff published on October 23, 2011 12:46 PM.

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